Category Archives: Construction Management

How to Improve Construction Site Safety

As a construction project manager, you’re focused on ensuring the project is completed on time and within the established budget. But it’s critically important that you not let safety take a back seat to efficiency and cost-cutting measures. Wondering how to improve safety on your construction site? Here are some tips on how to improve […]

All About Rooftop Unit (RTU) Installations

Rooftop units (RTUs) are HVAC systems located on the roofs of commercial buildings for the purpose of providing air conditioning to specific parts of the premises. When designed correctly, these units are able to define the areas in the building that will get the cold air sent to them. There are multiple types of units—some […]

Why Project Management Is Important

High-quality project management is critical to a successful construction project. Any time you’re working on a construction project, it’s important to either have a contractor for the job that also does project management, or to bring in a project management specialist. Here’s a quick overview of the importance of project management and the biggest reasons […]

What Is the Process of Jointing in Engineering?

Nearly any time you construct something, jointing is involved. Jointing is simply fastening two pieces of a material together. The method and type of fastener may change, but the overall concept remains the same. However, when it comes to engineering, proper jointing must be carefully designed and tested. Depending on the project, your joints may […]

The Importance of Trunnions in Bridge Construction

Trunnions have been around since the medieval era, but unless you’re in construction, you may not have heard of them before. They’re used in a variety of different applications, including bridge construction, and allow multiple parts to move at the same time. You have probably used trunnion bearings in your daily life without even realizing […]