The Important Factors with HVAC Systems for Commercial Industries

May 10, 2021 |

All businesses should be outfitted with high-quality HVAC systems to ensure high-quality temperature and climate control and energy efficiency. It’s also become particularly important in the COVID-19 age to choose HVAC systems with high standards of filtration to keep the air cycling and to prevent unwanted virus spread.

Here are just a few examples of some of the most important factors in choosing the best HVAC system for your commercial industry.

Energy efficiency

One of the most important issues for business owners to consider with their HVAC systems these days is the energy efficiency the systems are capable of providing. It’s easy to get caught up in upfront costs (we’ll talk about those in a moment), but the long-term costs are also very important to consider.

You’ll be paying an energy bill every single month for as long as you have the property, and by opting for an energy-efficient system, you can cut back on the amount of energy you’re using. This means a reduced carbon footprint as well as lower monthly bills. Save the environment while saving your bank account!

This is especially important for owners of particularly large business properties, where HVAC expenses can quickly get out of control during the prime heating and cooling months of the year.

Upfront costs

While the long-term costs are perhaps more important to consider, you should still also think about the upfront costs when making your purchase decision. A new system is going to be a significant financial investment—there’s no way around it. In many cases, the more energy-efficient systems will also cost you quite a bit more upfront.

Usually, the higher cost will be worth your while in the long run. While it might be tempting to go for the cheapest unit you can find, thinking it’s going to save you some money, ultimately those systems are likely to be inefficient and more prone to breakdowns, meaning you’ll spend much more on energy and repairs over the system’s lifespan.


Are there additional features you need in order to make sure you’re getting the best performance out of the system? Examples could include remote controls, or some sophisticated monitoring systems. Do you need both heat and cold air? Do you have any special filtration issues to consider? Do you want greater control over the humidity levels in your building? Do you want smart features and technology? All of these are questions worth considering before making your decision so you can get a system that’s fully outfitted for your needs.


You should consider some practical needs and constraints when choosing an HVAC system. You’ll need to know how much space you have to heat or cool, the kind of ductwork your building has, where you will place indoor and outdoor components, the amount of space you have available for the equipment and the amount of control you want to have over zones (versus potentially having a single centralized thermostat).

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