our Refractory, Concrete, and Epoxy Services
ACMS Group proudly supplies a highly experienced group of concrete refractory epoxy specialists to Chicago, IL. As a team, we have experience across all major aspects of refractory concrete installation. Our qualified staff has worked on a multitude of projects in the steel, aluminum, lime, cement, power, chemical, and foundry fields. This includes both stack and downcomer work, as well as shot and anchor gunite. You won’t find a more qualified refractory specialist in Chicago, IL.
Concrete REpair & Restoration Services
- Equipment grouting
- Cementitious grouts
- Pumped
- Poured
- Dry packed
- Fast setting
- Precision
- Non shrink
- Chemical grouting
- Repairs to leaking cracks and joints
- Hydrophobic urethanes
- Hydrophilic urethanes
- Concrete repair
- Acid resistant coatings
- Chemical resistant coatings
- Epoxy injection
- Spall repairs
- Structural reinforcing and cosmetic repairs
- Joint repairs
- Joint sealants
- Cathodic protection systems
- Formed concrete repairs
- Carbon fiber / fiberglass
- Food grade coatings
- Additional composites by request
Self Performing Refractory Services
- Gunite-Large projects and small repairs
- Shotcrete-various applications
- Ceramic Fiber- Modules, Pyro Block, and Blanket
- Brick-Kilns, ladles, furnaces, vessels, and more
- Insulating Brick-various applications
We as a team, have experience in many aspects of refractory installation. Our qualified staff has worked on a multitude of projects in the steel, aluminum, lime, cement, power, chemical, and foundry.